Scarborough to Hartlepool
Late start as we had to wait for the chandlers to open, buying a replacement winch handle ( dropped over the side yesterday ) and a new Imray - made in St Ives, Cambs - chart beyond Whitby. I use a Navman 8084 electronic plotter with C-MAP Max UK cartridge for real time navigation, but was paper charts to plot position, just in case GPS dies. Breakfast of egg/bacon/quorn rolls made on the electric cooker now it is wired to the mains, and we have shore power.
Paul sailed us out at around the headland containing the Castle, and we headed North with little wind. Again the inshore waters forecast was incorrect. "Variable 3-4" seems to mean "we have no idea".
10:20 Paul called me on deck to see a porpoise pass within a few yards of the boat.
The weather closed in, poor visability and rain/cold. yeuch.
Busy around the Tees entrance, lots of freight and tankers anchored up. Again AIS is very helpful.
Arrive Harlepool, a big marina via lock. WiFi a stuggle. We will spend a day here to reprovision and prepare for the next leg on Sunday.
Paul sailed us out at around the headland containing the Castle, and we headed North with little wind. Again the inshore waters forecast was incorrect. "Variable 3-4" seems to mean "we have no idea".
10:20 Paul called me on deck to see a porpoise pass within a few yards of the boat.
The weather closed in, poor visability and rain/cold. yeuch.
Busy around the Tees entrance, lots of freight and tankers anchored up. Again AIS is very helpful.
Arrive Harlepool, a big marina via lock. WiFi a stuggle. We will spend a day here to reprovision and prepare for the next leg on Sunday.
At 7 June 2008 at 07:06 ,
Bernie said...
Well I'm envious of the porpoise sighting, and it would have been nice to have seen some seals on the journey from Wells.
Navtex is working well - quite a useful thing to have, even on land,
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